Regularly need leads & customers?

If you are interested in getting more leads and customers consistently, we offer web marketing packages of the highest quality for excellent sales conversions.

Whether you are a new or existing local business owner, constantly seeking leads and customers is not only time consuming, but can be really demanding.

We can be your regular provider. We’ll do the hard work of getting you paying customers via our own Press Release Method, PPC Online Advertising, Internet Search Engines and more ways. You can therefore be free to focus on other aspects of your business.

Online Press Releases

We have a press release method delivering results for local businesses. A press release tells the media about your news and also gives them an opportunity to publish your business’s story. This could be about your customer service system, celebrating business anniversary, winning a prestigious award, launching a new product or service, special sales promotion for customers and much more!

You might now be thinking whether press release marketing is truly ideal to effectively advertise and grow your business. Press releases were once only used by major corporations when they needed to work with the media. But that media today has changed, and so too have press releases. The internet is actually the primary medium for press releases now.

We can write and then distribute powerful news-making press releases about your business with proven results-driven strategy that will bring in new business! We syndicate your custom press release to our own network of high authority and trustworthy media websites that receive the most attention from editors and reporters. Your press release will also include relevant keyword search phrases. You’ll achieve more online visibility, credibility, internet search engine attention, more leads and customers consistently as a result.

PPC Online Advertising

The abbreviation PPC stands for Pay Per Click. With this form of online advertising, you only pay when someone clicks on your advert which is put in front of them or shows up when they search on the internet for your business type using relevant keywords. No clicks, no pay!

With this method, you will require a budget for your Ad spend, which is affordable. The good thing is this provides budget flexibility – therefore you can start with as much or as little as you like for your Ad campaign. Since you will only pay for clicks, PPC advertising is a very valuable and cost-effective way to quickly be getting qualified leads and customers.

Besides, PPC advertising provides the opportunity to supremely laser target the right people at the right time for your products or services. For instance, consumers can be targeted by using criteria such as relevant keywords, demographics, interests, locations etc. When targeted prospects see your advert and this is set up properly, they will phone you or provide their contact details via your landing web page. You can start getting new business within 48 hours after everything is set up.

Internet Search Engines

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a free-listing method to gain visibility via the internet search results. Relevant keywords for a local business are optimised on search sites such as Google. Prospects find the business on the internet by searching for those same keywords. If your goal is to regularly attract local customers to your products or services, you need local SEO.

There are a wide range of factors that determine how highly you rank, but figuring it all out can be confusing for any business owner who is not trained or knowledgeable in this area. However, it’s something that cannot be ignored if you want to get in front of your target audience online while they’re searching for your type of product or service. With over 85% of consumers searching for businesses online, it has never been more important to establish a VISIBLE online presence.

SEO is a free-listing because when people find you on the search engines and click a link to your website, there is no charge. The lower a keyword competition, the faster you rank high on search engines. Once you highly show up on the first page of local search results (e.g. on Google) for valuable keyword phrases, you will regularly acquire leads and paying customers.

We provide more options!

We certainly use more ways to generate customers than what’s mentioned above. We appreciate that every business is different and would be willing to discuss what’s suitable for your needs.

There is no need to D.I.Y.

Not necessary to ‘Do It Yourself’ as you can save time and mainly focus on serving your customers. If you would really like to have a consistent, solid and sustainable route of gaining more business, we can definitely help. Get in touch for your needs regarding this service.